
Three Ways MarketPoint Brokerage Helps Agents Grow Their Books

July 7, 2021

Agents like you probably got into Medicare insurance sales for a few reasons: helping people, financial opportunity and flexibility. Connecting people to the right health plans and care for them is meaningful work. Being able to grow that business on your own terms only helps deepen that meaning. At Humana MarketPoint Brokerage, we’re here to help you do that. We’re here to help you elevate your success. And we do it in three ways.


Welcoming the competition

National plan and carrier choices

According to Kaiser Family Foundation, the average Medicare beneficiary has access to an average of 33 plans from eight carriers.1 This means Agents may need to contract with several carriers in their markets, not just a single carrier. They’ll need to understand what other carriers offer and what plans are out there to find the right one for each client to up the chance of closing more sales.

A model that helps everyone

Humana MarketPoint Brokerage offers the best of both worlds: Humana’s support plus the freedom to sell other national carriers such as United Healthcare, Aetna, Cigna and Anthem. It’s a win for everyone involved: Humana, Agents, other carriers and clients. You earn your commission (provided all other requirements are met), the carrier gets another member and your client gets the right plan for their needs, budget and lifestyle.

Abundant opportunity

We focus on opportunity as more people opt for Medicare Advantage (MA) over Original Medicare. In fact, MA enrollment nearly doubled between 2009 and 2019.2 And the number of MA enrollees is projected to continue growing over the next four years.3


Enhanced lead support

Any Agent who’s pounded the pavement in search of leads knows it can be a long and arduous process. You plant a hundred seeds and hope a handful will take root. MarketPoint Brokerage helps you streamline lead generation while also helping you to scale up your reach through year-round support. Here’s how we do it.

  1. Permission to Contact leads from Humana or third-party call centers feed you eligible Medicare beneficiaries looking for the local support and service of a field Agent.
  2. The Leadrilla platform provides you with on-demand leads. The platform captures and connects you with pre-qualified, high-intent leads.
  3. Ring2Media, TV-based advertising reaching 100 million households nationwide,4 generates inbound calls. Basically, we help make your phone ring with Medicare beneficiaries who are ready to talk to you.
  4. Priority with Humana consumer marketing campaigns and Humana’s Marketing Resource Center, providing direct mail, flyers, giveaway items and event materials.

No-cost retail program participation

MarketPoint Agents get access to Humana’s grassroots marketing retail program for Agents to host tabling events at local retailers at no cost. For example, the Walmart Health Begins Here program is one arm of the overarching retail program. It helps Agents connect to leads in one of America’s biggest retailers with millions of customers each week in thousands of stores nationwide.5 We’ve expanded the program to include grocery stores and wellness retailers to help you connect prospects to health plans.

The choice is yours

Are you ready for freedom, support and opportunity? MarketPoint Brokerage has the structure and the resources to help you translate your career into your calling. Connect with us to learn more.

take the leap

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3“Myth Busters: 2021 AEP Edition” webinar, Carrot Health and Deft Research, February 18, 2021